Thursday, November 11, 2010

Costume Triumphs & Disasters

First it was the 20-minute bloomers and the Ebay-sale corset.

Then the chemise - a piece of undergarment that is definitely not worth killing oneself over, but I tried, I really did . . .
Didn't quite sew the whole workdress I was hoping for, but I did acquire a decent cage hoop and figured a way to extend the skirt without adding barmaid tassles.

Then, in a fit of I-don't-know-what-I-was-thinking, I tore my (admittedly anachronistic) bonnet to bits and  inadvertently invented the baseball cap . . .

One of these reenactments, I'll actually have a new DRESS to show off.  One of these days. . .


  1. Wow, you're getting quite the collection. I bet all my old reenactment manuals and supplies are in storage with my parent's stuff.

  2. Dude, I'd totally buy them of you/them? You did 1860s right? Though, I think you and Ken should take it up once he's out of school and theoretically has more time on the weekends...

  3. Man. I LOVE that curtain rod. Your mom must be so chic. What new heights of cool... Oh. wait. That was your sister's idea. Shoot.
